The holidays are over, the house is finally clean, and now it’s time to sit back and relax … or is it? The kitchen counters may be crumb-free and the bathroom sink sparkling, but we know that throughout the year clutter and storage bins tend to build up in the garage. Luckily, organizing your garage doesn’t have to be a tedious chore – at Boston Closet Company we offer garage organization solutions that will make cleaning up your garage (and keeping it clean!) a breeze. Keep reading for tips on how to best utilize storage in your garage to help keep your space functional and tidy!

Decide what stays, and what goes

Chances are there are a few items in your garage that aren’t useful to you anymore, or that would be better utilized in other parts of the house. Separate the items in your garage into things that you want to keep, things that need to be moved to other rooms, and things that need to be donated or thrown out! This thinning out process may take some time, but it will be the most rewarding – so stay strong and power through!

Create a System

Now that you know what you want to keep in the garage you can devise a plan to get organized. Wall cabinets are a great place to house your garage necessities while keeping the room looking sleek and clean.

  1. Start by putting lesser-used items on the top shelves in your cabinets, such as bins containing holiday decorations.
  2. Put your most-used items at eye-level, where they are easily accessible – and easy to put away.
  3. Group together similar items so that you don’t have to go on a wild goose chase when you are looking for an item.
  4. If you’re feeling crafty, you can print labels for your drawers and storage bins to remind you what is in each when it comes time for you to find a wrench or break out the Holiday décor. A simple piece of printer paper, scissors, and tape will suffice for this step. You can also purchase easy to use label makers that won’t break the bank if you’re feeling committed to the cause!

Enjoy Your Organized Space

There is nothing better than seeing hard work come to fruition – so stand back, take it all in, and enjoy your new, beautifully organized space! Wall cabinets are only one of the many garage organizers that we offer at Boston Closet Company. Check out our Gallery to learn more about other organization systems for storing your belongings. Ready to transform your garage? Contact us today to schedule a free design consultation!