
Winter can be a tough time for many people, but especially those with busy lives. Between holiday engagements and tending to children and pets, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that you have to keep track of. However, if you just focus on keeping things simple and using the right tools for your household needs, then staying organized in winter will be easier than ever!

Keep things simple

  • Keep things simple. Don’t try to organize everything in one day, or even over the course of a few days. It’s best to work on small areas at once and keep it simple so that you don’t get overwhelmed by all the things you want to do.
  • Make sure you have enough time to complete each task and then some. This way, if something goes wrong or there is an interruption (like getting called into work), then you won’t feel rushed or stressed out about finishing everything before your deadline arrives.

Get the right organization tools

  • Use a calendar to keep track of appointments.
  • Use a to-do list to keep track of things you need to do.
  • Use a planner to keep track of your days.
  • Keep a journal or notebook with you so you can write down any new ideas that come up during the day and make room for writing down your thoughts and feelings at night when they are fresh in your mind.

How to Stay Organized During the Winter

Install shelves and cabinets

  • Install shelves and cabinets.
  • Use plastic bins to organize toys.
  • Install a pegboard for tools and supplies.
  • Install a hanging shoe organizer for coats and jackets.
  • Use a wall-mounted rack for hats, gloves, scarves and mittens

Put like with like

Put like with like. If you have a drawer full of buttons in the shape of apples and one lone button shaped like a pear, throw out the pear. It’s not doing anyone any good sitting in a drawer. Put things where they are easy to reach, store, and organize. If you have guests coming over for dinner, put your serving dishes on top of the fridge so that when it comes time to serve dinner and someone says “Hey! Where are the plates?” You can confidently reply “Oh yeah—they’re up there! We’ll just grab them in one quick move… no big deal! Let’s get this show on the road! Where did I put my car keys? Oh wait—I know: over there by my coat pocket.”

Create a routine and stick to it

  • Create a schedule or routine that works for your lifestyle. Your routine should be realistic, but also challenging enough to keep you motivated.
  • Stick to your schedule as much as possible. If there are times when you can’t follow through with the plan, adjust it so that it does work for you instead of just giving up on it altogether.
  • Consider using timers or alarms to remind yourself of upcoming tasks and events (such as brushing teeth), so that they don’t slip through the cracks during busy days.

Keep on top of things outside the home

Keeping on top of the things you need to do outside the home can be a challenge in itself. You won’t want to forget any of these items:

  • A list of all your tasks and who is responsible for doing them.
  • The right tools and equipment for each task, including any special clothing required (be sure this includes enough layers!)
  • Food, drink and entertainment for those who are partaking in the activity with you

Use the right tools for you and your family

  • Use the right tools for you and your family. Do some research, ask around, and try before you buy. You want a tool that will make life easier for you in the long run. Get the right tool for the job!
  • Buy quality tools. If something is going to break or wear out quickly, then it’s not worth buying in the first place. You don’t want to waste your time or money on something that won’t last long enough to make it worth purchasing in any way

Pack up the Christmas decorations properly

How to Pack Up the Christmas Decorations Properly

When you’re ready to pack up your Christmas decorations, here are some tips that will help you stay organized:

  • Use boxes with handles. They’re easier to carry, and they’ll keep your storage space tidier.
  • Keep decorations in one place. It’s tempting to leave things out for longer than a few weeks after Christmas, but this can lead to clutter and messes—not a great combination when it comes out of storage again in February!
  • Store decorations in a dry place. Most people store their holiday items in their attics or basements, but both of these areas tend to get damp from condensation during winter months. If possible, find an area with better ventilation (like an unused closet) so you don’t end up with moldy boxes full of tinsel by springtime!

It’s not hard to stay organized in winter if you focus on keeping it simple

Winter can be an especially challenging time to stay organized. It’s cold outside and you might not want to go out unless absolutely necessary. The weather may keep you cooped up indoors, which means more time spent on your computer or smartphone. And then there’s the holiday season! With all of these additional distractions, it becomes even more important to know how to stay organized during winter months so that you don’t get completely overwhelmed by life’s daily demands. Fortunately, there are many simple ways for staying organized in winter without going overboard with too many extra tasks or projects. In this article we will cover five strategies for staying organized during the winter months: focusing on what matters most; setting priorities; asking for help when needed; delegating responsibilities when possible; and avoiding worrying about things beyond your control


We hope that this article has given you some ideas on how to stay organized during the winter months. It’s not always easy, but it can be done with a little bit of planning and preparation. Remember that there is no right or wrong way when it comes down to organizing your home; finding what works best for you is key!